The educational project

Nursery School

For children aged 0-6 years
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A privileged gateway to Gaztelueta

Cradle room for children from 4 months onwards
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A new model of learning

STEAM Education

It enables the development of skills and competences related to innovation
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A new model of learning

STEAM Education

It enables the development of skills and competences related to innovation
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Primary Education

A decisive stage in their learning and development

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Why not in three languages?

From the age of 5 months, English, Basque and Spanish: three languages that represent our reality and which the pupils will be fluent in by the end of their studies at school. French is also offered from 5th grade onwards.
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Educating people

Each student is unique

We are committed to personalised education, where pupils can develop independently, and to the importance of the family.
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A forward-looking education

Faithful to our pioneering and innovative tradition, we promote education based on real challenges so that students develop fundamental competencies for their future.
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Educational projects

We work with an educational model that provides personalised attention to all pupils at each educational stage.

Early Childhood Education

Gaztelueta's own project in this first stage of infant school takes special care to ensure that the pupils feel at homeprioritising from the outset a safe environmentThe teachers are prepared, close to the child, and know the importance of the child's education. emotional managementThe child's evolutionary development and taking into account the principles of positive education to promote growth and proper development autonomy.
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Primary Education

At the primary school stage, we attach great importance to the competence work which are necessary for the future of the pupils and which has led us to make a firm commitment to reinforcing oral expression by means of a public speaking programme for young children both in Spanish and in the languages of the centre (English and Basque).
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Secondary education

We have an international project involving more than 10,000 students from all over the world who have competed in the following competitions Silverstone (UK). The International Education Project Green Power secondary school. It is backed by institutions such as Innobasque, the Basque Innovation Agency. The aim of the project is to foster students' STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) skills.
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Gaztelueta offers 8 pathways to encourage the personal development of each student according to their talents and interests. In addition, within each pathway, whether in science and technology or social sciences and humanities, it is possible to opt for and join the International Dual ProgramThis programme aims to bring business closer to the world of education, offering Baccalaureate students the possibility of having their first professional experience integrated into the curriculum.
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Giving oneself to others is fundamental. That is why, from a very young age, we try to introduce them to realities other than their own.
José Emilio Latorre. Secondary School Teacher

I have helped with the elderly, with people with disabilities, in food drives.... And I have received more than I have given.

Pedro Bernar. 1st year Baccalaureate student
of values
Dining room

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Motores eléctricos y talento STEAM: Gaztelueta compite a gran nivel en Greenpower
Los vehículos eléctricos diseñados por los alumnos de Gaztelueta han sido protagonistas en las competiciones Greenpower celebradas estas semanas en San Mamés (categoría F24) y Amorebieta (categoría Goblin). Nuestros equipos no solo compitieron con gran entusiasmo, sino que lograron excelentes resultados, consolidando a Gaztelueta como referente en proyectos educativos STEAM. En el icónico estadio de...
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Jornada de Orientación universitaria y profesional en Gaztelueta
El pasado 14 de marzo de 2025, Gaztelueta celebró con gran éxito su Jornada de Orientación Universitaria y Profesional, un evento clave en el que los alumnos pudieron conocer de primera mano diferentes opciones académicas y salidas profesionales. La jornada contó con la presencia de expertos de diversos sectores que compartieron su experiencia y conocimientos...
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Sello #AlumniGaztelueta: Jon Ander Ibarra
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Gaztelueta apuesta por la sostenibilidad en su mobiliario
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Los alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato celebran su Confirmación
Más de 70 alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato recibieron el pasado miércoles el sacramento de la Confirmación en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes (Las Arenas, Getxo), en una ceremonia presidida por el vicario episcopal de la diócesis de Bilbao, D. Felix Larrondo acompañados por familiares y amigos. Al término de la ceremonia un...
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4º de Primaria explora el mundo desde el BI
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Gaztelueta

Horarios, precios, instalaciones, extraescolares, idiomas, tecnología, descuentos, religión, Opus Dei... Resuelve todas tus dudas consultando las preguntas frecuentes. 

Accompanying families in the education of their children since 1951.

Preparing 21st century leaders

Gaztelueta is a charter school of differentiated education located in Leioa (Bizkaia) which was founded in 1951, as a result of the concern and social initiative of a group of parents who wanted their children to receive an education in values centred on individual treatment, respect for freedom and the promotion of personal responsibility, as well as a Christian sense of life.
We propose values through sport, combining individual effort and self-improvement with teamwork. Pupils can join the football, basketball, handball and athletics teams.

Discover Gaztelueta

Contact with us

Why is Gaztelueta one of the best schools in Bizkaia?

We are committed to personalised education, where pupils can develop independently, and to the importance of the family.

We believe that the best way to carry out the work of human, intellectual and Christian formation is to do it together with families, teachers and pupils.

This is who we are

Educational innovation

At Gaztelueta we believe that the best way to carry out a human, intellectual and Christian education is to do it together with families, teachers and students.

Personal development

All pupils receive individual and personalised treatment. Communication with families and their presence at the school is essential for this.

Culture. sport and sustainability

We foster the human and civic values that are fundamental to personal maturity: sincerity, loyalty, fairness, justice, hard work, friendship and joy.

Educational excellence

Our educational offer covers all stages: Infant, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate. We are also an official Cambridge examination centre.

How can I register my child for the  2025/26?

Consulta toda la información necesaria para formalizar la matrícula en Gaztelueta: quiénes tienen que realizar la matrícula, plazos y fechas clave del proceso así como la documentación necesaria en la web de nuestro colegio.

What is the relationship between families and the school?

The relationship between families and school could be described as close, familiar, close and, above all, personal. At Gaztelueta we are clear that our main purpose is to accompany families in the education of their children. We believe it is essential for parents to be involved in the school's education so that work is carried out jointly, reinforcing the values and messages that the pupils receive at home, and vice versa.

Each pupil, from the beginning of their school years, has a tutor/preceptor assigned to them so that, together with their parents, they can jointly bring out the talents and qualities of each child, with the hope that in the future they will be able to put them at the service of others.

3 personal interviews with the tutor/preceptor are planned over the course of the course, approximately one per term.

In addition, the school provides parents with the necessary training resources so that they can play a leading role in the task of educating their children (talks on family orientation for parents, sessions at the beginning and end of the school year, parents' school, conferences, workshops, excursions for parents and children, etc.).

What does it mean to carry out a trilingual project?

Gaztelueta is committed to trilingualism (Spanish, English and Basque) as a means of learning both content and mastery of the three languages. In addition, French is added as a language that can be taken as an optional or extracurricular subject from the primary school stage. Oral competence in the different languages is a key element in the school from the infant stage. A great support in the learning of English at an early age is the Jolly Phonics programme or the time dedicated to Speaking Corner.

An international and globalised professional academic environment demands from future leaders not only specific qualifications in different languages, but also a competence in oral expression that allows them to interact fluently and confidently in a language that is not their mother tongue.

Since 1990, the Department of Education of the Basque Government has approved our trilingual project, with the aim of achieving immersion and regular use of the three languages mentioned by the pupils. Different subjects of the curriculum are taught in second languages throughout infant, primary and secondary education. We are also an official examination centre for Cambridge and French Institute qualifications.

80% of our pupils finish 2nd Baccalaureate with a First Certificate and 55% also finish with an Advanced or Higher level. We have various exchange programmes as well as international projects with schools all over the world as part of our Global Learning programme.

If you want to know more: Trilingualism from Infant Education onwards

What type of education or pedagogical project does the school follow?

At Gaztelueta we work with an educational model that seeks personalised attention for all pupils. In this way, each student can achieve an integral development of his or her abilities and personality.

We are currently implementing the International Baccalaureate  by committing to an innovative educational model through new methodologies that allow the development of competencies and skills that our students will need in their professional development. This new way of working stimulates the ability to apply knowledge to new situations, which we consider fundamental in a constantly changing world.

How are values worked on in Gaztelueta and are there any solidarity activities carried out by the students?

Training in values permeates all educational work. The transmission of values is carried out as a priority through the example and good work of each of the components of the educational community: parents, teachers and non-teaching staff.

Gaztelueta School's teaching style is unified by the training in values that is transmitted throughout the educational day. At Gaztelueta we not only give classes in values and virtues, but we also use the rest of the subjects to transmit the values of our teaching style: sincerity, effort, freedom and responsibility in our daily work, obedience to parents and teachers, respect for people, discipline, etc. Loyalty and sincerity are two human virtues which we are especially taught to practise and which are present in the school's motto: "be our yes, yes; be our no, no".

On the other hand, the promotion of voluntary work is channelled through the NGOs Zabalketa and Ireki (recently awarded), organised by the Alumni of the school. Gaztelueta remains firm in the conviction that all school and academic education must include a human, solidarity and service component in order to be complete. At the school we seek to educate students with values, who know how to open up to external realities and give their time to others, especially to those most in need.

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Gaztelueta solidarity projects

Gaztelueta Coexistence Plan

What types of extracurricular activities do you organise?

Gaztelueta has a wide range of extracurricular activities: 


  • English: Oral expression in English from 3rd Primary to 6th Primary. Gaztelueta is an official examination centre for Cambridge qualifications.
  • French:. Pupils from Primary 3 to Primary 6 prepare for official exams. 
  • Basque: Oral expression in Basque from 3rd to 6th grade of primary school. From 3rd ESO to 2nd Baccalaureate we prepare for the official B1 and B2 exams in Basque. 


  • Multisport for pupils from 2nd Infant School to 2nd Primary School.
  • Gaztelueta Sports Club: From 3rd Primary to 2nd Baccalaureate. Sport has been a characteristic feature of Gaztelueta since its beginnings. Considered to be a great means of character formation, the pupils practise it on a daily basis, its purpose being more educational than sporting. The Gaztelueta Sports Club offers pupils the possibility of playing different sports: basketball, football, handball, athletics, paddle tennis, roller hockey and gymnastics.

School of Music

The Music School offers the pupils of the school the possibility of studying at a non-regulated music school, as a complement to their ordinary academic curriculum. Depending on the stage, there is a beginners' programme and, from the 3rd year of Primary, pupils can choose between different instruments: piano, drums, guitar and violin.  

School of Arts

  • Painting: this is aimed at pupils from13th Primary to 2nd ESO. They learn to work with lines, shapes, tones, colours and designs. They acquire basic knowledge of drawing and painting. 
  • Choir: offered to pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th Primary. 
  • Reading Club: A Reading Club is offered for Baccalaureate students.


This activity is offered as an extracurricular activity for students in 3rd and 4th ESO. Pupils work in teams to build an electric car. They learn about materials, electrical conductors, speed, friction, levers and gears, as well as developing artistic skills in the design and drawing of the bodywork. 

Summer activities

During the months of June, July and September, the school organises summer courses, in which English is the vehicular language and most of the teaching staff are native speakers. We provide students with a language immersion experience in the comfort of a familiar environment.

Among other activities, robotics, creativity, science workshop, music, sports, speaking corner and organic garden with chickens are offered for the youngest children. The older children can take part in various STEAM workshops: Robotics and Lego, Drones, Arts and Greenpower Project to reinforce learning in a playful space, combining English, fun and sport.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Gaztelueta

Horarios, precios, instalaciones, extraescolares, idiomas, tecnología, descuentos, religión, Opus Dei... Resuelve todas tus dudas consultando las preguntas frecuentes. 

Educating well-rounded, self-reliant individuals

Covering all educational stages, from Kindergarten to Baccalaureate, allows us to work with each student as a whole person, developing all their intellectual aptitudes and forging a personality that will allow them to achieve their future goals.

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10 reasons to enrol your children in Gaztelueta

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Because Gaztelueta is one of the best schools in Bizkaia. We work with a motivating educational model that provides personalised attention to all our pupils. We want to bring out the best in everyone.


Because in a climate of freedom we propose a model of Christian life and we educate in human and civic values such as commitment to the improvement of society, solidarity and respect for others, which are fundamental to personal maturity.


Because families have a tutor or preceptor who is a teacher who guides them in their children's educational work and who, in addition, talks periodically with the pupils to help them achieve the objectives they have set for themselves.


Because we try to ensure that pupils acquire good sporting habits and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, we make young people aware of the importance of caring for the environment, which begins with their immediate surroundings.


Because since 1951, more than 6,700 students have passed through our classrooms and many of them have decided to maintain their links with the school through the alumni association, Alumni, a fact we are particularly proud of.


Because we have always been committed to innovation in education, and we continue to do so today with a learning model based on the integrated teaching of STEAM disciplines with an interdisciplinary approach.


Because we encourage the development of the pupils' artistic skills. In addition, we offer a full programme of extracurricular activities compatible with other activities. Drawing, painting and the arts have an important presence in the school.


Because languages also play an important role in school life, with initiatives such as the presence of conversation assistants, the Speaking Corner and exchange and internationalisation programmes. More than 80% end with accreditation.


Because our school failure rate is practically zero. We succeed with each and every one of our students. All students finish Bachillerato and the vast majority enrol in their first-choice degrees.


Because Gaztelueta is a school of families and traditions that mark a very special style. The involvement of the families and the sense of belonging of the alumni make Gaztelueta a big family.

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