

MAR 14 / 2022

Cultural outings are back

So far in 2022 we have resumed some activities that were put on hold two years ago. In February the long-awaited extracurricular activities returned: piano, guitar, drums, Basque, English, painting and robotics. But this is not the only return we have been looking forward to. The cultural outings are also back, a way of resting and learning in a different way.

So far in 2022 we have resumed some activities that were put on hold two years ago. In February the long-awaited extracurricular activities returned: piano, guitar, drums, Basque, English, painting and robotics. But this is not the only return we have been looking forward to. Cultural outings are also back, a way to relax and learn in a different way.

The 4th Year Primary pupils visited Urdaibai, a natural area formed at the mouth of the Oca River. The first thing they did was to take a walk around the marshes. Then they visited Torre Madariaga, a 15th century house converted into a biodiversity centre. There they were able to observe the variety, functions and richness of our natural heritage and listened to a short talk on the importance of biodiversity.

Salidas culturales gaztelueta

The 1st ESO students, meanwhile, went on an excursion to the Gorbea Natural Park. The bus dropped them off at the top of Barazar and they walked through the surrounding area towards the Saldropo wetland. In spite of the rain, they climbed up to the top of the hill like true fighters. The 6th grade students did the same plan a day later, but instead of climbing to the top of the mountain, they went to play in the nearby neighbourhood of Bittoriano, an indoor playground.

To round off the week, the 5th grade students spent the day in the Urkiola Natural Park. In these privileged surroundings they took part in an exciting gymkhana accompanied by a sunny day. The excursion also had a cultural part: the pupils visited the Urkiola Natural Park Reception and Interpretation Centre. Toki Alai. This is equipped with a permanent exhibition about the Natural Park. There the pupils watched a video and learned about the fauna, flora and routes in the Park.

Of course, throughout all activities, the recommendations from the Department of Health and Education on COVID19 were taken into account.

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