

NOV 08 / 2020

To remain in solidarity

At the beginning of November, the 3rd and 4th year ESO students began with the first of a series of sessions on social awareness. Enrique Cuesta, coordinator of Ireki, a youth association for social promotion and solidarity, introduced them to the concept of volunteering and their perception of different social groups. Y...

At the beginning of November, 3rd and 4th ESO students started with the first of a series of sessions on social awareness. Led by Enrique Cuesta, the coordinator of Ireki, Youth Association for Social Promotion and SolidarityIn the course of the workshop, they were introduced to the concept of volunteering and asked about their perception of different social groups.   

What does a 14 or 15 year old think about older people, and how does he or she look at disabled people, immigrants or homeless people? The main objective of this and subsequent sessions is to promote debate among them, The idea is to make them aware and ask themselves what they can do to change things around them.  

Ireki coordinates the school's social action and, as this year we have had no choice but to stop all the actions that made up the school's social action programme. solidarity project Gaztelueta, we will try to continue to be sensitive to the needs of others through actions such as this one. or similar.   

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