

MAY 28 / 2018

Victoria Greenpower in Muskiz

The 1st ESO students of Gaztelueta managed to win the F24 category in the Greenpower race in Muskiz. On 27 May, Muskiz hosted the third Greenpower race at the municipal sports centre and the Meatzari Aretoa. The event was attended by numerous families and friends of the schools and associations that are taking part....

The 1st ESO students of Gaztelueta managed to win the F24 category in the Greenpower race in Muskiz.

Muskiz hosted the third Greenpower race on 27 May at the municipal sports centre and the Meatzari Aretoa. The event was attended by numerous families and friends of the schools and associations that are participating in this innovative project, such as the Somorrostro training centre, Lauro Ikastola, St. George School, the official school of Engineers of Bizkaia and the Asturian association Peñavera, as well as the Gaztelueta School, which was proclaimed champion in the F24 category. In the Goblin category, the prize went to the Asturian team Peñavera.

Lauro Ikastola won the prize for the best presentation and the best bodywork in the Goblin category. In turn, the GPzCar team from Somorrostro won the prize for the best bodywork, the team with the best technical evolution and the best F24 Project Management.

Gaztelueta also won the prize for the best Goblin Project Management and the Greenpower prize, which encourages help and collaboration between all the teams.

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