Number 2 | October | 2018

Gaztelueta News

Open Days

Gaztelueta is a school open to everyone. As was the case last year, the Open Days, which took place on 25, 26 and 27 October, were once again a success with more than 200 people. The visits were organised in three shifts with different timetables (morning, afternoon and Saturday),...
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The school's Olympic party

The pupils were out to win medals in the 61st edition of the Autumn Olympiad. In a sporty atmosphere full of families and friends, on a cloudy but pleasant morning, the day opened with a parade around the athletics track, with the school flag and the Olympic flag leading the way. After the lighting of the...

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Inauguration of the Central Pavilion

On the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Opus Dei, the Central Pavilion was officially inaugurated. It was more than fifty years old and, in accordance with a gradual renovation process that aims to renovate all the school's facilities by 2021, before the end of the last school year the new building was put into operation....

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Presentation of the handball teams

To inaugurate the season, the presentation of the benjamín, alevín, infantil and cadete teams (in which students from 3rd Primary to 4th ESO play) took place in the sports centre, which has been organised in collaboration with the Club Balonmano Romo. This season, like other clubs from different sports disciplines, they will train at the school facilities....

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VI Alumni Concert

It took place on 26 October and featured artists from the 61st, 60th, 59th, 57th, 56th, 43rd, 40th, 40th, 39th, 36th and 11th graduating classes in the musical ensembles "Venice", "Winds of Glass" and "Old School Suffle". In addition, Imanol Arregui performed several guitar solos between the performances. Despite the rainy afternoon, many families and...

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