Number 6 | February | 2019

Gaztelueta News

Winners of the VIII Certamen Universitarios y Empresa (8th Universities and Business Competition)

Yesterday was held at the University Business School (University School of the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao) the final of the VIII Certamen Universitarios y Empresa (PREUNICA), in whose 2019 edition 1,500 students from 38 schools in the Basque Country have participated. The theme of this edition was to propose a marketing plan to increase the young clientele of the Bilbao Shopping Centre....
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X FIRST LEGO League Euskadi

On Saturday 16 February, a team of secondary school students took part in the 10th edition of the First Lego League at the Palacio Europa in Vitoria. Under the slogan Into Orbit, the more than 100 teams from 42 participating schools had to work together from the beginning of the course in three directions: to provide a solution to the problem of...

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Greenpower Gaztelueta at SUM Bilbao 2019

Greenpower Gaztelueta, was present at the Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM), which took place at the Euskalduna Palace from 21 to 23 February. Several groups of students from schools concerned with educational innovation such as Somorrostro, Lauro Ikastola, Liceo Francés, St. George, Berakruz, Jesuitinas and Gaztelueta exhibited electric cars at the stand that was set up on the esplanade next to the Euskalduna...

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Bizkaia handball in Gaztelueta

All the categories of the handball national teams held training sessions in February in different parts of Bizkaia. Gaztelueta hosted the training sessions for both the male and female youth teams (1st and 2nd Baccalaureate) at its facilities. The coaches of these teams are Rubén Martín Blanco (female youth) and Asier Otegi (male youth).

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Preliminary phase of the Forensic Science Congress

The assembly hall yesterday hosted the preliminary phase of the Forensic Science Congress in which students from the 1st Baccalaureate of Science are participating and whose final phase will be held at the end of March in Cambridge. Organised into six groups, they took it in turns to present the conclusions of the criminal investigation carried out over months of work on the same case...

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Barrio de Artaza, 87.
48940 Bizkaia
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