
We collaborate

Active youth for a better society


It was founded in 1991 by a group of Gaztelueta Alumni and works locally in awareness-raising and education tasks and internationally in development cooperation projects. The students of the school collaborate with many of these tasks.


It carries out important social support and promotion work for various social groups in situations of precariousness and/or social exclusion. Our students collaborate with several of its actions, such as the distribution of clothes and food.

Food Bank

The Bizkaia Food Bank (BAB) is a private, independent, non-profit charitable foundation whose aim is to fight hunger in the local environment. It works to prevent consumable but unmarketable food from being destroyed and to ensure that it reaches the neediest people in the immediate environment. Gaztelueta collaborates with them and, periodically, food collections are organised in the school for all classes.


It is a second-degree cooperative in which Social Initiative Cooperatives and Insertion Companies promoted by Cáritas participate and whose objective is the social and occupational insertion of people in a situation or at risk of social exclusion. To this end, it promotes and implements activities in environmental services, reuse and recycling, sustainable consumption, training, care for people and other activities that can help to achieve this objective. The first link in this chain is the solidarity collection of products such as clothes, toys and electrical appliances. The school hosts Koopera containers to support some of its campaigns so that students and their families can collaborate in them.


IREKI, Elkartasunaren Aldeko Gazteak (Youth for Solidarity) is a non-profit youth association of social interest that has a dual purpose: to carry out activities in favour of disadvantaged social groups and to work to spread a greater awareness of solidarity among young people. Gaztelueta students participate by helping out in soup kitchens and old people's homes, during school hours and in their free time.

Canteens and occupational centres

The canteen of the Little Sisters of the Poor (1st ESO), the Charity Institution of the Sacred Heart in Artxanda (2nd ESO), the canteen of the Rafaela María Occupational Centre in Zorrotza (3rd ESO), the residence of the Miranda Foundation in Barakaldo (4th ESO) , the Aragoiti Occupational Centre for people with disabilities (1st and 2nd BACH) and the Sagrado Corazón Municipal Residence in Aiboa are the places where Gaztelueta students go every week in the Solidarity projects.

Giving oneself to others is fundamental. That is why, from a very young age, we try to introduce them to realities other than their own.
José Emilio Latorre. Secondary School Teacher

I have helped with the elderly, with people with disabilities, in food drives.... And I have received more than I have given.

Pedro Bernar. 1st year Baccalaureate student

Discover Gaztelueta

Covering all educational stages, from Infant to Baccalaureate, allows us to work with each student as a whole person, to develop all their intellectual aptitudes and to forge a personality that allows them to achieve their future goals.

Accompanying families since 1951

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