The Board of Directors of the Association, in compliance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, convenes the alumni to the Annual General Meeting which will take place on Thursday 9 May at 19:00.
We will also meet for the first time the former headmaster of the school from 1974 to 1981, Paco ErrastiIn addition to reviewing his years at Gaztelueta, he will talk about the new Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Madrid.
The Assembly will take place in the College's assembly hall.
19'00 h.- Holy Mass in the College Oratory offered for deceased Associates and Alumni.
19'30 h.- General Assembly
20'00 h.- Talk by Paco Errasti
20'30 h.- Aperitif at the Chalet
The Association encourages all former members to attend the Assembly, not only because of the topics to be discussed, but also because of the pleasant moment of reunion and conversation that will be enjoyed during the aperitif afterwards.
19:00 hours