Many years have already been invested in accompanying families in educating their children in the faith. We are now approaching the dates for the first Communions of the 4th Primary pupils. They are the first promotion after many years and we are especially excited that it will go very well.
Due to pandemic restrictions, there will be two shifts on this day, and there will be many family members who will not be able to travel to the ceremony and others who will not be able to attend due to limited capacity. For this reason, we have seen fit to invest streaming all five ceremonies.
As it is a special day, the ceremony will be attended by students in school uniform.
The ceremonies will take place on 1 May in three shifts:
- 11.30h and 13h in the parish church of San Juan Bautista in Leioa.
- 19.00h in San Bartolomé, in Leioa.
11.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. / 7 p.m.