

We are currently more than 1,500 alumni who are part of the Association as a means of maintaining our link with Gaztelueta. In 2018 we celebrated the 25th anniversary of its birth.
Come and meet us

A group of friends, former students

The Gaztelueta Alumni Association was founded at the end of 1993 by a group of alumni who felt the need to promote the relationship and mutual help of all those who have passed through the school.

Becoming a member is easy

If you are a former student and would like to join the Gaztelueta Alumni Association, please fill in the form at the bottom of the page.

We partner to...

  • To serve as a channel of union with classmates and teachers of our graduating class at the school.
  • Share experiences and actively participate in the life of Gaztelueta.
  • To assist in the promotion of cultural and sporting activities and in the professional development of alumni.
  • Promote financial aid funds and scholarships for alumni and children in need, as well as other benefits for associates.
  • Keeping alive the history of the school, of which we have all been an important part.
  • To strengthen the bonds of friendship, companionship and coexistence with other associates.

And also to...

  • Collaborate with Zabalketa (Gaztelueta Alumni NGO) and with society.
  • To make scholarships and study grants possible at Gaztelueta for the children of members.
  • Keeping memories and contact with colleagues alive through promotional events and meetings.
  • We meet each year wherever we are, so as not to lose contact and to keep each other up to date.
  • To maintain and share the history of the school through publications and the digitalisation of the historical-photographic archive.
  • Organise activities for members; conferences, colloquiums, cultural visits, concerts, championships and competitions.
  • Receive direct information and learn about the activities of the association and everything that happens in the school through the newspaper 'Gaztelueta al día' and other publications.

Special events

Alumni meetings are organised for each class, especially when we celebrate a round anniversary (5, 10, 15, 20 years, etc.) since we finished our stay at Gaztelueta.

In addition, those who finished 25 years ago and 50 years ago can parade on the day of the Sports Festival. It is a very emotional moment that brings back wonderful memories of their time as students.

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Alumni Association Registration Form

Accompanying families since 1951

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