
Coexistence and protection

Our educational style is based on a personal and individualised attention to the pupils by all the people who work in this common project. There is close collaboration between the school and the parents.
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The education of students - in its academic, human and Christian aspects - pursues the integral and harmonious development of the person.

Coexistence plan

1.To promote companionship, collaboration and mutual help among the students of the school and among all members of the educational community.

2.To promote the integral formation of the pupil, and the practice of human and Christian virtues such as sincerity, loyalty, hard work, responsibility, companionship, friendship, generosity, sobriety, fortitude, etc.

3.To promote in pupils and in all other members of the educational community an exquisite respect for the equal dignity of every human person.

4.To provide teaching staff and administrative and service staff with training and resources to collaborate in the comprehensive education of students, as well as instruments and resources for the promotion of a culture of peace, the prevention of violence and the improvement of coexistence. To this end, it is essential to develop in all members of the educational community the social skills of communication and conflict resolution that favour a good relationship climate.

5.To raise awareness and sensitise the educational community to the importance of an adequate school coexistence, as well as an adequate knowledge of the procedures to improve it.

6.Facilitate mediation for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. To facilitate the prevention, detection, treatment, monitoring and resolution of conflicts that may arise in the school, and to learn to use them as a source of learning experience. To facilitate the prevention, detection and elimination of all manifestations of violence, especially peer abuse, violence against women, xenophobic and racist attitudes and behaviour.

7.Encourage the involvement of families with activities leading to support this learning at home, based on the awareness of the necessary joint work between the educational centre and the family.

Coexistence in Gaztelueta

1.Personal interviews of the preceptor with the student and the family.

2.The school's Tutorial Action Plan, led by the teacher in charge of the course.

3.Course Councils. Assemblies.

Rules of coexistence

The Rights and Duties of pupils will have as a general framework and reference framework the legislation in force at any given time, which is currently Decree 201/2008, which regulates the rights and duties of pupils and the corresponding rules of coexistence in public and private non-university schools.

All students have the same rights and duties. Their exercise and fulfilment will be adapted to their age and the characteristics of the courses they are studying.

The regulations can be summarised in the following general aspects:

a) Attending class punctually and participating and making an effort to carry out the activities aimed at developing the curriculum.

b) Comply with and respect the timetables approved for the development of the centre's activities.

(c) follow the guidance of teachers regarding their learning and show due respect and consideration for them.

d) Fostering a positive working atmosphere in the classroom.

e) Respect freedom of conscience and religious and moral convictions, as well as the dignity, integrity and privacy of all members of the educational community.

f) Treat all persons equally, without discrimination on grounds of birth, race, sex or any other personal or social circumstance.

g) Take care of and make proper use of the school's property and facilities and respect the belongings of the members of the educational community.

(h) Wear the school uniform correctly.

(i) Comply with established health and safety measures.

These rules, expressed above in general terms, are developed in a practical way through educational suggestions which the pupils are encouraged to take on board in their daily life at school. The following are some of the details which are encouraged at school in order to make relations with others more pleasant:

1. Regarding entries, exits and stay in the centre:

  • To attend class well groomed and in the correct uniform. In the case of excursions or other school activities that make it advisable not to wear it, students will follow the instructions established by the Headmaster's Office.
  • Greeting when entering and leaving the classroom.
  • Avoid words and gestures that may offend others.
  • Give way at entrances and corridors to younger classmates and adults.
  • Ask colleagues, teachers, non-teaching staff, etc. for things. "Please" and "thank you".
  • Use a soft tone of voice in class.
  • Respect the right to speak.

2. With regard to partners:

  • Treat all members of the educational community with respect and cordiality: teachers, administration and service staff, teachers of extracurricular activities, sports team coaches, canteen and bus stewards, subcontractors' staff working at the school, etc.
  • Apologise when you do something wrong, and make an effort to forgive others.
  • Do not exclude or marginalise any partner in the games.
  • Use dialogue to resolve conflicts, avoiding fights and anger with colleagues.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Gaztelueta

Horarios, precios, instalaciones, extraescolares, idiomas, tecnología, descuentos, religión, Opus Dei... Resuelve todas tus dudas consultando las preguntas frecuentes. 

3. Regarding materials:

  • Take care of and respect their own, their classmates' and the school's materials.
  • Share materials and toys with peers.
  • Make proper use of all the school's facilities.
  • Collect and tidy up the materials and furniture used.
  • Respect each other's work in collective and individual tasks.

4. Regarding work:

  • Participate actively in class activities, each to the best of their ability.
  • Respect the work environment, especially when changing classes and travelling.
  • Pay attention in class and follow the guidance of the teachers.
  • Carrying out the work with optimism.
  • Be responsible for studying, making an effort and doing homework.

5. Other:

  • Comply with the corrective measures or tasks imposed.
  • I treat the staff working at the school as you.
  • Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.
  • The rules of coexistence and operation of the students during school hours will be the same as those required of them during their stay at the school, once school hours are over (extracurricular and sporting activities).

Accompanying families since 1951

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