
Technological maturity

For students to become true digital citizens, they need to acquire a set of skills that enable them to understand and critically evaluate the information available on the internet.

DQ Digital Citizenship Project

The DQ Digital Citizenship Programme aims for students to minimise risky online behaviour and increase critical thinking and global citizenship skills.

The aim is to develop 8 Digital EQ skills: digital citizenship identity, screen time management, cyberbullying management, cyber security management, digital empathy, digital footprint management, critical thinking and privacy management.

This project is developed in collaboration with the DQ Institute The Global Teacher Prize is made up of the World Economic Fund, the Varkey Foundation (Global Teacher Prize) and prestigious universities such as IOWA University (USA) and Nanyang University (Singapore), among others.

Smart Internet Users

Gaztelueta is a partner member of Smart Internet Users (SIU), which has a research group whose aim is to bring together experts involved in education to study proposals that incorporate the intelligent use of technology into comprehensive education.

Smart Internet Users was born with the desire to sustain, cultivate and share the ideals and challenges of promoting research and training on issues related to information and communication technologies (ICTs) with a human rights-based approach. Through various educational and social initiatives, cultural events and educational proposals, Smart Internet Users aims to raise awareness in society on the intelligent use of the Internet.

The school is also receiving training under the Basque Education System Digital Transformation Plan 2022-2024, which aims to boost the digital skills of both pupils and teachers and to adapt the entire education system to the digital era.
 Consult the Gaztelueta digital plan here.

Interaxion Group

Interaxiongroup is an educational platform that aims to offer content and training to parents and educators on the use of Social Media (social networks, internet and video games) among teenagers.

Through online courses, tutorials, articles and other services, Interaxiongroup wants to interact with all those involved in the socialisation process of adolescents: families, educational communities and friends.

We want to communicate an attentive and positive vision of the impact of Social Media in young people's lives, offering materials and meeting opportunities for understanding and training in these areas.

The aim is to provide parents and educators with the right tools to educate children and adolescents in the proper use of new technologies, understanding this training not as something isolated but as part of a comprehensive educational model.
Giving oneself to others is fundamental. That is why, from a very young age, we try to introduce them to realities other than their own.
José Emilio Latorre. Secondary School Teacher

I have helped with the elderly, with people with disabilities, in food drives.... And I have received more than I have given.

Pedro Bernar. 1st year Baccalaureate student

Discover Gaztelueta

Covering all educational stages, from Infant to Baccalaureate, allows us to work with each student as a whole person, to develop all their intellectual aptitudes and to forge a personality that allows them to achieve their future goals.

Accompanying families since 1951

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