

Gaztelueta is a corporate work of Opus Dei, which is exclusively responsible for Christian orientation. Religious formation activities are organised for pupils, teachers and parents who wish to attend, always on a voluntary basis.
Come and meet us

This is who we are

Promoting human and civic values

We believe that the best way to carry out the work of human, intellectual and Christian formation is to do it together with families, teachers and pupils.

Our motto

"Be our yes, yes. Be our no, no".

The school's motto responds to a founding desire to give special prominence to the habits of sincerity and loyalty.

Main milestones and traditions

Gaztelueta School, on the way to its 75th anniversary

Gaztelueta is a school located in Leioa (Bizkaia) which was founded in 1951 to offer an education in Christian values centred on respect for freedom and the promotion of personal responsibility.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre Gaztelueta

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Come and meet us

Contact with us
Giving oneself to others is fundamental. That is why, from a very young age, we try to introduce them to realities other than their own.
José Emilio Latorre. Secondary School Teacher

I have helped with the elderly, with people with disabilities, in food drives.... And I have received more than I have given.

Pedro Bernar. 1st year Baccalaureate student

Accompanying families since 1951

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Gaztelueta School
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