
PISA Report

The results of the latest PISA tests show that Gaztelueta occupies the top positions in the table, being one of the best state-subsidised schools in Bilbao and Bizkaia, and placing us above countries such as Finland and Japan.
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A recent study on factors influencing student achievement concludes that student attitude (both motivation and self-confidence) has a strong impact on student achievement, with this variable being greater than any other factor and, in particular, doubling the effect usually assigned to the so-called ISEC (socio-economic cultural index).

Gaztelueta is the second most awarded school in the Science Olympics organised by the UPV/EHU. It has also been a finalist in the Educational Innovation Awards organised by SchoolMars and EIM Consultants.

Academic awards and recognitions

EVAU results and access to top universities

100 % of our students complete Bachillerato and the vast majority enrol in their first-choice degree courses. 88 % of the students who are currently studying Bachillerato entered the school in the first year of primary school or in the infant stage.
Science Olympiad Awards

In the last five years, Gaztelueta students have won 6 medals in Physics and Chemistry Olympiads. In the Basque Chemistry Olympiad of 2021 they won 2nd and 3rd prizes.

Innovation projects are present in all educational stages. From the age of 3, analytical skills are worked on through STEAM competences and robotics with a project awarded by Siena Education.
Giving oneself to others is fundamental. That is why, from a very young age, we try to introduce them to realities other than their own.
José Emilio Latorre. Secondary School Teacher

I have helped with the elderly, with people with disabilities, in food drives.... And I have received more than I have given.

Pedro Bernar. 1st year Baccalaureate student

Discover Gaztelueta

Covering all educational stages, from Infant to Baccalaureate, allows us to work with each student as a whole person, to develop all their intellectual aptitudes and to forge a personality that allows them to achieve their future goals.
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