Number 17 | November | 2020

Gaztelueta News

STEAM label to Gaztelueta

The Basque Minister of Education, Jokin Bildarratz, has presented the awards for the first edition of STEAM Euskadi Saria. With them, the Department of Education of the Basque Government wants to recognise the different STEAM initiatives linked to education and reward the best practices. Forensic Science was one of the finalists among the 113 applications submitted by schools in the Basque Country....
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Gaztelueta Dialogues - Marian Rojas Estapé

The second of the Gaztelueta Dialogues of the academic year featured a luxury guest, Dr. Marian Rojas Estapé, psychiatrist and author of the book "How to make good things happen to you" (best seller in 2019). Presented by Gaztelueta's teacher, Manuel Feria and through the school's Instagram account, she explained to us how to...

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Gaztelueta Dialogues - Marta Eguidazu

Marta Eguidazu, psychologist and director of Up Kids! The Family Health Company, was the first guest speaker at the first Gaztelueta Dialogue of the 2020/21 academic year. Her session, broadcast live from the school via the school's Youtube channel, focused on how to continue educating our children in difficult times like the present. ...

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COVID awareness-raising sessions 19

Although at school the protocol is working and we can continue to teach and learn, it is necessary to remember that COVID19 has not disappeared. The situation remains complicated and the disease continues to wreak havoc on society, endangering the lives of many and affecting society as a whole. That is why, from...

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Ireki receives the Barakaldo Solidarity Award

The Miranda Foundation has awarded the Barakaldo Solidarity Award, this year in its 13th edition, to the Ireki Association for its work of social interest. Among its various social initiatives, which it has been promoting for many years, is the accompaniment of elderly people in the residence that the Foundation manages in Barakaldo by students from the school. IREKI, Elkartasunaren Aldeko Gazteak...

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