Eskolako euskera sailak bideratuta, "guk euskaraz zuk zergaitik ez?" goiburuaren haritik Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloko ikasle eta irakasleak, herri kirol desberdinetan aritu ziren euskeraren eguna ospatzeko. Hirugarren mailako ikasleek koreografia bat prestatu eta kantu polit bat abestu dute Lehen Hezkuntzako txikien aurrean, hauen imitazio gaitasuna eta motibazioa sustatzeko helburuarekin. Azkenean danok danok hasi ziren dantzatzen eta...
Read newsOn Friday 14th December the traditional Christmas festival was held in the Infants building, prepared with great enthusiasm by the children and teachers. In two shifts due to the large influx of people, many families came to see the representation of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, the adoration of the shepherds and the...
Read newsChristmas Football Camp
07/01/2019Classes resume
11/01/2019Meeting of couples in charge of the course
07/01/2019Gaztelueta Writing Contest
15/02/2019Family Counselling Course - First Steps
15/02/2019Family Guidance Course - First letters
08/02/2019Deadline for registration and booking of enrolments 2019-20 academic year
Now accepting stories until February 28, 2019 Gaztelueta presents a new short story contest open to our ESO and Bachillerato students. Contest rules 1. Open to 1st - 4th ESO and 1st/2nd Bachillerato Gaztelueta students. 2. Only one story per student, maximum length 3 pages, DIN A4, size Arial type 12 , interline spacing 1.5....
Read newsThe school has recently signed collaboration agreements with several nursery schools in Bilbao, Getxo and Leioa. These are the Kili KiIi (Leioa), the Concilia Children's Leisure Centre, the Toys Nursery School and Toy Library (Algorta) and the Krispetak Nursery School, which are in addition to the existing agreement with the Haurtegi Nursery School. From now on, these centres...
Read newsGaztelueta
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