Number 5 | January | 2019

Gaztelueta News

Gaztelueta, official examination centre of the Institut Français

The agreement came into force last January and may be renewed annually. Elsa Krief, director of courses at the Institut Français de Bilbao, and Imanol Goyarrola on the other side, signed the document that formalises the collaboration between centres, which allows the official DELF-DALF exams to be held at the school, provided that there is a sufficient number of students. ...
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Workshop on robotics in infants with Arangoya

Some thirty students from the 1st Cycle of Vocational Training in Early Childhood Education at the Arangoya Centre in Bilbao visited us to learn about robotics and the programming language in Early Childhood. After getting to know the STEAM Classroom and the refurbished facilities of the Central Pavilion, the first workshop began, which was led by Fernando Montero, Secondary School teacher. The attendees...

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New partnership agreements

The school has signed more collaboration agreements with several new entities. They are La Casita de Casilda, Haur Eskola Kilkir, the Txanogorritxu Nursery and Infant School, the Mis amiguitos Infant Education Centre and Dilyan Montessori Haurreskola. These are in addition to those already signed with the Bilbao, Leioa and Getxo Kili KiIi centres, the Concilia Children's Leisure Centre, the Concilia Nursery and...

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Providing tools to educate

The Family Guidance Course aims to enrich the educational skills of parents with regard to their children. With a participatory methodology, through the case method, the school wants to help each family to be better, offering knowledge and skills to each one, as well as promoting the creation of networks of friendship between them so that they can be better educated....

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Ateleus sessions in Primary and Secondary Schools

At Gaztelueta we want the education our pupils receive to be not only academic, but also to have some added complements. Some of these are (solidarity, knowing how to be in the dining room, artistic skills, affectivity, etc.) that result in a solid global education that is both global and personalised. Gonzalo Robador and Gabriela Míchel, members of Ateleus (Asociación de Telespectadores de...

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Barrio de Artaza, 87.
48940 Bizkaia
T. 94 463 30 00

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