

OCT 26 / 2020

Classroom coffees in Early Childhood Education

The Classroom Cafés are an example of how the school accompanies families in their children's education. Specifically, the Infant Education families have the opportunity to meet each term with the class teachers of their children's classrooms to discuss specific aspects of their class. Exceptionally online due to the situation...

The Classroom Cafés are an example of how the school accompanies families in their children's education. Specifically, the Infant Education families have the opportunity to meet each term with their children's class teachers to discuss specific aspects of their class.

Exceptionally online due to the situation we live in, and based on specific videos on topics specific to each stage, parents can find out what each group is working on on a daily basis in the classroom and how they can support certain learning at home. Some examples of the topics covered are school adaptation, what a child's development is like at this age, their strengths to be reinforced and their weaknesses to be worked on both at school and at home, what the objectives of the course are and what remains to be done. 

In this way, each family can find out first-hand what their child is learning, while being able to resolve their doubts first-hand. 

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