

OCT 18 / 2021

Greenpower Champions

In mid-October, the Greenpower Iberia 2021 Final for electric cars was held at the Navarra circuit, with Gaztelueta winning the F24 category. The Gaztered, Black Arrow and Blue Wind teams won first, second and third place in the race. The event was attended by 10 teams from schools and vocational training centres in Spain and abroad....

In mid-October, the Navarra circuit the Greenpower Iberia 2021 Electric Car Final with the victory of Gaztelueta in the F24 category. The Gaztered, Black Arrow and Blue Wind teams took first, second and third place in the race.

Ten teams from schools and vocational training centres from Spain and Portugal took part in the event. During the months of September and October the students have been preparing their cars for this important race that counts for the classification of the international final which will be in England in 2022, as was already the case at Silverstone in 2019. 

In an hour and a half race, the victory goes to the electric car that has covered the longest distance without running out of battery power, which is why energy-efficient driving is necessary for the drivers. In addition to the strategy, the Gaztelueta team incorporated some improvements compared to the last race which was held at the Torrelavega street circuitwhich has led him to repeat victory at the circuit located in Los Arcos (Navarra).

Greenpower emerged in the UK more than 20 years ago and is being developed in more than 15 countries around the world. The Greenpower project was incorporated in Gaztelueta in 2017becoming the first school in Spain to incorporate it into its curricular project. Over the years, numerous schools and vocational training centres have joined in.


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