On Saturday 28th April, the second Greenpower race took place at the Luis Adaro fairgrounds in Gijón.
In the framework of the industry and technology summit Citech which took place from 26th to 29th April, a new race was organised with the electric cars that the students have built during this academic year.
Among the activities of Citech, the President of Asturred, Bruno Villanueva, presented the Greenpower project in which students from Gaztelueta School, Somorrostro Training Centre, Lauro Ikastola, Peñavera, the Official College of Industrial Engineers of Bizkaia and family associations participate.
The competition took place in a family and festive atmosphere and allowed the schoolchildren to check and test the advances that have been introduced in their vehicles since the last race that took place on 18 February through the streets of Bilbao.