El pasado viernes tuvo lugar en el Infantil una nueva edición de Diálogos Gaztelueta, en esta ocasión para abordar uno de los temas más recurrentes en orientación familiar durante la crianza, el sueño en la primera infancia. Goiuri Delgado, asesora de sueño y tutora del Aula de Cunas en Gaztelueta y Esti Somalo, pedagoga y...
Families whose children are currently in the 3rd year of Infant Education met last Tuesday with Mikel Elía, director of Gaztelueta and Pedro Mesas, coordinator of Primary Education, to share aspects of interest for the next academic year. Likewise, the teachers Elena Cires and María Gabiola presented to the attendees pedagogical changes in the elements of the new curriculum.....
Last Friday the Infant and Primary families celebrated the traditional Gaztelueta Family Pilgrimage. The attendees gathered around the Salve and the youngest children offered flowers to the Virgin and sang the songs they are learning in class these days. Once the youngest children had finished their offering, the children were...
Over the last few days different sessions have been taking place with those parents whose children are going to change cycle or stage next year. With the aim of anticipating the changes that are going to take place and in order to accommodate them as far as possible, families have been...
Last Friday the pupils of 3rd Year Infant Education celebrated, accompanied by their families and teachers, their long awaited presentation of their scholarships. An intimate event to commemorate the end of a decisive stage in their education. From the hand of their tutors, they were presented with a Scholarship which they proudly wore in front of the...
We have a new section, looking back to remember those teachers of life, whose vocation, empathy and dedication marked your days in Gaztelueta. Today we chat under the mast with Pepín Pineda, who was once a Physical Education teacher. Married and father of 4 children, he dedicated 32 years of his life to the service...