The adaptation period in Gaztelueta Infant School is progressing very positively and the 1 and 2 year olds took part this morning in a psychomotor activity session which took place, in an extraordinary way, in the garden of their pavilion. Taking advantage of the excellent weather conditions, the teaching team decided to move this activity to the garden....
Secondary education is a crucial stage in the education of our students, not only in academic terms, but also in the development of values and social skills. Enhancing the spirit of service in secondary school pupils by involving them in ordinary tasks within the school is an educational strategy that offers multiple benefits....
Once again Gaztelueta has achieved a 100% pass rate in the Selectividad, a milestone that puts the cherry on top of the work and dedication of both our students and our team of teachers of our school's 67th graduating class. In addition to the unbeatable pass rate, all of our students have obtained the grade of...
Finalizamos el mes de mayo compartiendo la ilusión con la que nuestros alumnos de 4º de Primaria han recibido por primera vez el sacramento de la comunión. Recibir a Jesús por primera vez en el sacramento de la comunión es un momento trascendental en la vida de un cristiano, ya que marca para nuestros alumnos...
His years at Gaztelueta have undoubtedly marked his academic career, but above all, his personal development. Dealing with each of his teachers from Infant Education until today, the conversations with his teachers, the daily coexistence with his classmates and the personal and academic challenges experienced together, have marked the development...
Va terminando el mes de mayo y aprovechando por fin el día soleado, los alumnos de 2º ciclo de Educación Infantil han celebrado su tradicional Romería del mes de mayo. Con la ilusión y la emoción de las primeras salidas del colegio, nuestros alumnos llegaban a entusiasmados al colegio para desplazarse todos juntos en autobús...