

JUL 16 / 2019

IBSC Annual Conference

The meeting took place at Selwyn House School (Montreal, Canada) from 26-29 June. The more than 600 conference registrants attended various plenary sessions and workshops to explore simple ways to reach the hearts and expand the minds of our students. More than 180 workshops were held in which...

The meeting took place in Selwyn House School (Montreal, Canada) from 26-29 June. The more than 600 conference registrants attended several sessions plenary sessions and workshops to explore simple ways to reach the hearts and expand the minds of our students. More than 180 workshops where experiences were exchanged and some topics were discussed in depth, such as the importance of the arts in education of schoolchildren.

In this sense, many schools shared their experiences on how to enhance the 'A' in Arts in their STEAM projects. The aim is to bring together the artistic and creative skills with technological skills and thus, highlight aspects such as innovation and design, the development of curiosity and imagination. This annual meeting has shown that many schools on all five continents are evolving towards a more innovative and innovative approach. more applied and real-life learning systemsintegrating the STEAM education in the classroom as part of project-based education. Many schools have already set up STEAM classrooms, physical and pedagogical spaces - spacious and bright where students can comfortably carry out these projects, in teams, and develop their imagination and creativity.

The projects Forensic Science y Greenpower led by Gaztelueta, The conference has attracted considerable interest among the IBSC member schools. In 2020, the annual conference will be held at the Viaro School of Barcelona.

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