For some time now, a group of parents of pupils at the school, under the direction of Urkiol Solagaistua, have been forming a choir.
It is a small group, but with a lot of enthusiasm for singing. We rehearse one day a week, on Thursdays, from 8 p.m. until almost 10 p.m., and we work on an ever-expanding repertoire.
To date, we have performed in the parish of Las Mercedes, San Juan Bautista de Leioa, Santísimo Redentor and, of course, in the school itself. Our last performance was last Ash Wednesday in the oratory. It was a complete success.
D. Fernando de Andrés, a great music lover, is one of our greatest supporters. He is always encouraging us to continue and proposes new performances.
We would like to appeal to all parents in the school to join the choir, because we need more people.
Certainly, rehearsal after rehearsal, we find that it is a precious experience. We sing, we laugh, we joke, we take an interest in each other... and we disconnect from everything we need to disconnect from.
We look forward to seeing you in the choir. It's worth it.
Jose Andrés Etxebarria