

NOV 20 / 2020

Gaztelueta Dialogues - Marta Eguidazu

Marta Eguidazu, psychologist and director of Up Kids! The Family Health Company, was the first guest speaker at the first Gaztelueta Dialogue of the 2020/21 academic year. Her session, broadcast live from the school via the school's Youtube channel, focused on how to continue educating our children in difficult times like the present. ...

Marta Eguidazupsychologist and director of Up Kids! The Family Health Companywas the first guest of the first Gaztelueta Dialogue of the 2020/21 academic year. Your session, broadcast live from the school via the school's Youtube channel.The conference was about how to continue to educate our children in difficult times such as these. 

First, he referred to the importance of the family environment to cushion the effects of a situation such as the one we are experiencing due to COVID19. He gave an example of a garden that we should plant and cultivate, focusing in particular on four key trees or pillars. One, that of the positivity, transmitting tranquillity and optimism to those around us, helping to keep those around us afloat. Another tree is that of gratitude, This opportunity can serve to realise what really matters and can be a great opportunity to be grateful for it and not take it for granted. Accompaniment and the illusion of caring for our loved ones would be the last two trees in this garden on which to build a firm home to withstand this and any adversity together, supporting each other. 

Eguidazu also wanted to underline the importance of self-care and awareness of individual responsibility in relation to our everyday environment and ultimately society. Even if there is little we can personally contribute, it is the only thing we can do, and in the long run these combined efforts can have great results.

After a 20-25 minute intervention, there was room for written questions from the users who were following the intervention through the live stream. The importance of sport and how we creatively replace these activities we were used to were the most requested topics.

The school would like to thank Marta for her professionalism and willingness to help all those interested (more than 200 people) who did not want to miss this first Gaztelueta Dialogue of the school year. 

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