

JAN 30 / 2020

Emotions: training to improve

In line with our mission to go hand in hand with families and educators of the school and knowing that our mission is to help families to educate their children, this term will take place in the Central Pavilion some sessions on emotional education aimed at families and teachers. More photos on Facebook Organised by the Uptoyou Foundation and sponsored by...

In line with our mission to go hand in hand with families and educators at the school and knowing that our mission is to help families to educate their children, this term we will be holding sessions on emotional education for families and teachers in the Central Pavilion. 

Organised by the Uptoyou Foundation and sponsored by the Gaztelueta Foundation, under the title 'Discover a way to grow from your emotions', this training is based on reaching an understanding of the emotional reality of the human being and the characteristics of emotional education, delving into some aspects necessary for personal accompaniment that generate growth processes. The objective is none other than experience first-hand dynamics very similar to those that will later develop with the child or pupil at school or at home. 

Emotional education is a key element in the education of children and young people. personalised education; In today's educational environment, emotions are a very important part of children's health. As Raúl García, primary school teacher, psychologist, pedagogue and speech therapist, states, "If we want to help our children in terms of their emotional health, the first thing to bear in mind is that we have to accompany them in their childhood emotions, we have to connect with our own feelings and validate them. 

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