Students visit two schools in Warsaw and Milan respectively, in order to present this innovative STEAM project to their international counterparts.
After travelling to Finland y France in the first term, this time the destinations changed. In the schools visited, after the theory, our students prepared practical sessions in which they advised these boys and girls on forensic work: action protocol, search for fibres, lifting fingerprints, etc. More and more schools are becoming interested in this project, which is part of the Chemistry subject in the Baccalaureate, which offers a highly motivating ingredient and the opportunity to put into practice the theoretical rudiments learned in the classroom.
Forensic Science is an international educational project. which aims to foster STEAM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) through the investigation of a simulated crime. The students put into practice the knowledge they are acquiring in the different scientific and technical disciplines to analyse the evidence gathered at the crime scene and reach conclusions that they defend before a jury of experts in the field.
This innovative project has aroused the interest of other European police forces. Iñaki Irusta, Head of the Ertzaintza's Scientific Police Area, gave a presentation on the project during the annual meeting of the European Network of Forensic Science (ENFSI), which took place in Rome from 23 to 26 September. The title of the presentation was "Forensic Science School - STEAM Skills and Some Reflections".. In March, the international phase will take place in Bilbao and will be attended by students from more than 10 different nationalities.