

NOV 13 / 2023

The Infant School teaching team achieves its Positive Discipline Certification.

The Infant School staff have completed their Positive Discipline in the Classroom Certification from the Positive Discipline Association Spain formed by professionals certified in Positive Discipline by the Positive Discipline Association. This is an intensive training workshop to implement Positive Discipline with students. Positive Discipline for the classroom is...

Children's staff have completed their CertifiesPositive Discipline in the Classroom hand in hand with the Positive Discipline Association Spain formed by professionals certified in Positive Discipline by the Positive Discipline Association. This is an intensive training workshop to implement Positive Discipline with students.

Positive Discipline for the classroom is a leadership programme that helps to create a sense of belonging and community among students, gain their cooperation and improve the group climate by teaching life skills.

gaztelueta disciplina positiva

The Positive Discipline in the Classroom Certification for all Infant and Toddler teams allows:

- Learn about Positive Discipline and Adlerian psychology and its implementation in the classroom, school and community.

- Use structures and procedures for effective classroom leadership.

- Create an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect in your classroom.

- Having a set of encouraging tools based on gentle yet firm discipline.

- Understanding what lies behind student behaviour and how to encourage positive change.

- Facilitate effective class meetings by teaching social skills and problem solving.

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