

APR 05 / 2021

Greenpower winners in Barakaldo

Gaztelueta's 'Gazte Green' team achieved a well-deserved victory in April in the II race of the international circuit 'Greenpower Iberia-Bridgestone' held in Barakaldo, in which electric vehicles developed by students aged 9 to 11 years old from St. George School, Jesuitinas and Gaztelueta competed in a modality called Goblin. The second place went to the 'Azkar Jesuitinas' team....

In April, Gaztelueta's 'Gazte Green' team achieved a well-deserved victory in the II race of the international circuit 'Greenpower Iberia-Bridgestone'. held in Barakaldo, in which electric vehicles developed by students from 9 to 11 years of age from the schools of Barakaldo competed. St. George School, Jesuitinas and Gaztelueta in a modality called Goblin. Second place went to the 'Azkar Jesuitinas' team from the school in Bilbao and third place to 'Green Georgians'.

The Greenpower Iberia-Bridgestone' circuit consists of a set of racing cars in which the participants, children and young people aged between 9 and 25, have to design and build their own electric car in order to be able to take part. The tests were based on the number of laps the vehicles were able to complete on a pre-established route with a combination of electric motor and batteries - identical for all - and open to the design of the car's bodywork, as well as its mechanical and electrical aspects to improve its performance. In addition, there was also a slalom and acceleration

Carrera de coches eléctricos en Barakaldo

In the competitions of this pedagogical innovation project, the winner is the one who manages to drive the most kilometres without draining the battery, so the fastest does not win, but the one that drives in an energy-efficient and sustainable manner. The school teams won up to six awards, including the overall winner of the competition. 

Greenpower is a foundation that was born in the UK in the late 1990s, with the intention that children from the age of 9 learn and practice technical, leadership and teamwork skills, with the challenge of designing and building an electric vehicle themselves in order to win a race.  

From this year onwards, primary school pupils have access to a subject where it is developed exclusively the Greenpower project, although they already come competing in different races for some years now. 

Several families from the school collaborated voluntarily to ensure that everything went smoothly. The event was also attended by the Deputy for Transport and Mobility, Miguel Ángel Gómez Viar, the Mayor of Barakaldo, Amaia del Campo, the Councillor for Sustainable Development, Alba Delgado, the trustee of the Alfonso Líbano Firestone Foundation, Daniel Gómez, as well as members of the municipal executive.

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