During the last week of June, with the idea of starting to make the most of the summer and to make the most of the educating in valuesthe IV edition of the Football Camp has been held. combining English classes with native teachers and sporting activitieswith a special focus on football.
The participants learnt the basics of football through circuits organised by the school's sports club, designed to work on warm-up techniques, ball handling, passing and accuracy in shooting at goal in different situations.
The older children were able to improve their skills already acquired in the first years of Primary School and learnt more complex notions such as marking and unmarking tactics through offensive and defensive systems. English and football, football and English, a useful way to end the month of June after the end of the school year.
Around 60 children in the Infant School have also enjoyed these days of fun activities and workshops, also putting a good end to the 2017/18 school year.
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