A recent study on factors influencing student achievement concludes that student attitude, both motivation and self-confidence, has a strong impact on student achievement, with this variable being greater than any other factor and in particular doubling the effect usually assigned to the so-called ISEC (socio-economic cultural index).
The conclusions reached, after studying the information provided by the questionnaires of the latest PISA assessment, are compelling. For the elaboration of this study, McKinsey&Company has applied what they call machine learning and advanced analytics, identifying the 100 most predictive variables of the factors that have the greatest weight in students' academic results.
This study only confirms what Gaztelueta has been doing since its beginnings, with a motivating educational style that achieves significant learning in its students. The results of the last two PISA tests show that Gaztelueta is at the top of the table, placing us above countries such as Finland and Japan.