

MAR 22 / 2024

Year 6 students celebrate their passing of the equator

The 73rd graduating class reached the halfway point of their school journey this week - long look, short steps! It's amazing how fast these six years have gone by. To celebrate they enjoyed a very full day: mass, jumpyard, special lunch with and film. For the pupils and their teachers it is a day to look back,...

The 73rd graduating class reached the halfway point of their school journey this week - long look, short steps! It's amazing how quickly these six years have gone by. To celebrate they enjoyed a very full day: mass, jumpyardspecial meal with and film.

gaztelueta paso de ecuador grupal

For the students and their teachers, it is a day to look back, to contemplate and appreciate what has been achieved and, at the same time, to look forward to the future. That is why Gaztelueta celebrates it in style. The day began with the celebration of Holy Mass, praying for all the intentions of this graduating class and their families. At the end, the class and class photos were taken in the green from the chalet. At the end the group went to JumpYardA trampoline park and other activities in which the pupils enjoyed an unforgettable time.

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The secretaries of the three classes, Jaime Cantera, Jaime Cifrián and Eric Vidal, addressed their classmates, teachers and headmaster in a very appreciative speech in the dining room, where a special celebratory meal awaited them. After a few words also from the headmaster to the 6th formers, everyone left to get changed for the big football match.

Congratulations guys and good luck in the second part of your career at Gaztelueta!

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