The College has signed further collaboration agreements with a number of new entities. They are La Casita de Casilda, Haur Eskola Kilkirthe Kindergarten and Nursery School Txanogorritxuthe Early Childhood Education Centre My little friends y Dilyan Montessori Haurreskola.
These are in addition to those already signed with the Bilbao, Leioa and Getxo centres. Kili KiIithe Children's Leisure Centre Conciliathe Nursery School and Toy Library Toys (Algorta), the Nursery School Krispetak and the nursery school Haurtegi.
These centres and Gaztelueta will collaborate jointly in the coming months through various means, either with educational talks, reciprocal advantages for families, etc. The school thus continues in its efforts to collaborate with the different welfare and educational bodies in the Basque Country with the ultimate aim of helping to improve society.