

MAY 28 / 2024

Pasaporte Gaztelueta: Jaime Gorostiaga y Rodrigo Sánchez

His years at Gaztelueta have undoubtedly marked his academic career, but above all, his personal development. Dealing with each of his teachers from Infant Education until today, the conversations with his teachers, the daily coexistence with his classmates and the personal and academic challenges experienced together, have marked the development...
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MAY 25 / 2024

The Gaztelueta Sports Festival: a very special event that has lasted since 1951

La Fiesta Deportiva de Gaztelueta reúne un año más a las familias del colegio y a los Antiguos Alumnos que acabaron su estancia en el colegio hace 25 y 50 años. El desfile, los juegos y el relevo gigante son momentos muy especiales en esta jornada festiva, que se organiza tradicionalmente el último sábado de...
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MAY 24 / 2024

Los alumnos de Infantil se van de Romería

Va terminando el mes de mayo y aprovechando por fin el día soleado, los alumnos de 2º ciclo de Educación Infantil han celebrado su tradicional Romería del mes de mayo. Con la ilusión y la emoción de las primeras salidas del colegio, nuestros alumnos llegaban a entusiasmados al colegio para desplazarse todos juntos en autobús...
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MAY 23 / 2024

Recycling and sustainability at Poli

El proyecto de construcción de coches eléctricos a partir de residuos nace de la necesidad de concienciar al alumnado de segundo de primaria sobre la importancia del reciclaje y la sostenibilidad, a la vez que se fomenta su creatividad, trabajo en equipo y habilidades STEAM. La construcción de coches eléctricos con botellas de plástico recicladas...
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MAY 22 / 2024

Gaztelueta Passport: the time has come to take Gaztelueta to the world

His years at Gaztelueta have undoubtedly marked his academic career, but above all, his personal development. Dealing with each of his teachers from Infant Education until today, the conversations with his teachers, the daily coexistence with his classmates and the personal and academic challenges experienced together, have marked the development...
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MAY 21 / 2024

The Remember de la Vuelta Ciclista de Gaztelueta gets underway for another year

The third edition of the historic Vuelta Ciclista de Gaztelueta took place last Saturday with the participation of almost 40 riders on the roads of Bizkaia. On this occasion, very young cyclists were encouraged to take part in the race, accompanying the more experienced riders in a round that is guaranteed to be a...
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Accompanying families since 1951

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