

JUN 22 / 2021

List of equipment 2021-22

Consulta aquí el listado de libros de texto para el curso 2021-22 Consulta la relación de material para el curso 2021-22 de las siguientes etapas:  1º-3º EP  4º-6ºEP 
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MAY 30 / 2021

Final phase of Forensic Science

El viernes 28 de mayo se celebró en la sede central de la Ertzaintza  (Erandio) la fase final del proyecto Forensic Science. Los alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato de Ciencias defendieron ante la policía científica los resultados y conclusiones de los análisis que han llevado a cabo en el laboratorio durante el presente curso escolar. La...
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MAY 18 / 2021

The 64th graduating class bids farewell

The 64th graduating class bids farewell to Gaztelueta. The ceremony, held with the appropriate security measures, was attended by the 77 students, as well as their teachers, the chaplain and the headmaster of the school. First of all, a course mass was held in the Central Pavilion. After the graduation photo, a nice souvenir of this day,...
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MAY 17 / 2021

Conducción ecológica en Cantabria

Torrelavega acogió la primera prueba cántabra del circuito internacional de vehículos eléctricos y ecológicos 'Greenpower Iberia-Bridgestone', en la que participaron dos equipos de Gaztelueta: Black Arrow y Blue Wind. En la prueba debutó el equipo local IES Miguel Herrero, con un vehículo diseñado y construido por los alumnos de primero de Mantenimiento de Vehículos de Formación...
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MAY 13 / 2021

We want a sustainable Leioa

This morning a meeting on sustainability within the framework of Agenda 2030 was held at the Artaza Palace in Leioa, in which the protagonists were the children. Two students from 6th grade of Primary School attended the event together with other students from other schools in the municipality such as Irlandesas, Mercedarias, San Bartolomé, Betiko or...
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APR 25 / 2021

1st Communion in 4th Primary

This weekend we have begun to celebrate, in turn, the First Communion ceremonies of the 4th Primary students. After preparing themselves, at home with their families and at school since they started 2nd Primary and after these last months of regular catechesis, they finally received for the first time...
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1 43 44 45 46 47 77

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