Contest rules Open to 1st - 4th ESO and 1st/2nd Bachillerato Gaztelueta students. Only one story per student, maximum length 3 pages, DIN A4, size Arial type 12 interline spacing 1.5 Stories should be written in English and should not have been submitted to any other contests Theme: FREE There will be three different categories:...
This year, in the last days of December, we were once again nervous, had a lot of rehearsals and experienced a lot of pre-festival atmosphere. But... was there a festival? There was, of course, with family carols and diabolos, numbers that are already a tradition, and with others, in dance or interview format, that may have...
The second of the Gaztelueta Dialogues of the academic year featured a luxury guest, Dr. Marian Rojas Estapé, psychiatrist and author of the book "How to make good things happen to you" (best seller in 2019). Presented by Gaztelueta's teacher, Manuel Feria and through the school's Instagram account, she explained to us how to...
Marta Eguidazu, psychologist and director of Up Kids! The Family Health Company, was the first guest speaker at the first Gaztelueta Dialogue of the 2020/21 academic year. Her session, broadcast live from the school via the school's Youtube channel, focused on how to continue educating our children in difficult times like the present. ...
El Consejero de Educación, Jokin Bildarratz, ha entregado los premios de la primera edición de STEAM Euskadi Saria. Con ellos el Departamento de Educación del Gobierno Vasco quiere reconocer las diferentes iniciativas STEAM vinculadas a la educación y premiar a las mejores prácticas. Forensic Science, fue uno de los proyectos finalistas de entre las 113 candidaturas presentadas por centros...
Although at school the protocol is working and we can continue to teach and learn, it is necessary to remember that COVID19 has not disappeared. The situation remains complicated and the disease continues to wreak havoc on society, endangering the lives of many and affecting society as a whole. That is why, from...