Ignacio Artola (prom.41) holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Navarra, a period he remembers with great affection. He then trained and specialised in finance, a sector in which he has spent his entire professional career. His first jobs were in the field of markets at Banco Urquijo, at BBVA and at the Banco de...
Last Sunday, Gaztelueta families had the opportunity to participate in the first excursion of a new programme of outings that will take place throughout the school year on the last Sunday of each month. The destination chosen for this first meeting was San Pedro de Atxarre, a privileged spot in the heart of the...
This week our Baccalaureate students took part in the LQDVI Congress (Lo Que De Verdad Importa), held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao. This event, nationally recognised for promoting values such as respect, solidarity and personal effort, brought together hundreds of young people from different schools. The LQDVI Congress, which...
Following a tradition deeply rooted since the beginning of Gaztelueta, we have had with the older students -from 4th of EP to 2nd of BAC- and with their teachers, the masses of the beginning of the school year going to the Holy Spirit, this act not only marks the beginning of a new academic year, but it is also an opportunity...
The adaptation period in Gaztelueta Infant School is progressing very positively and the 1 and 2 year olds took part this morning in a psychomotor activity session which took place, in an extraordinary way, in the garden of their pavilion. Taking advantage of the excellent weather conditions, the teaching team decided to move this activity to the garden....
This Monday Gaztelueta 4th grade primary school students met with the Mayor of Leioa, Iban Rodríguez, to share their impressions on pedestrian mobility on their way to school in the Bizibideak project. This meeting, part of a municipal initiative to promote walking among students, has been a great opportunity for...