

FEB 28 / 2020

How to educate Amazon children?

"Amazon children, as I affectionately call them, are those children who are becoming impatient consumers, who want everything now; they want to share content now, they want to see their homework on their mother's mobile, for them there are almost no barriers. I think it's important that those children who want everything immediately...
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FEB 21 / 2020

Pedro Morenés returns to school

Alumnus of the 9th class, Pedro Morenés, a businessman and politician born in Bizkaia (Las Arenas, 1948), known above all for having been Minister of Defence (2011-2016), has held very important posts on the recent political scene. Among others, Secretary of State for Defence, Secretary of State for Security, Secretary of State for Scientific and Technological Policy...
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FEB 19 / 2020

Grandparents' Day in Infants

They play a fundamental role in any family, they are a source of support and affection, and we must always remember and be grateful for this. For this reason, at the school we like to pay tribute to them by preparing a special day together with their grandchildren in Infant Education. More photos on Facebook and Instagram On this occasion, organised by the English, Basque and Spanish departments, the...
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FEB 07 / 2020

Physical education in all its facets

Physical Education is an important subject in any education. Learn to know your abilities, your talents and weaknesses. Learning to work for a specific purpose according to your physical characteristics. In short, much more than just having fun with a ball or practising athletics. In Gaztelueta, every year the students of the 1st Baccalaureate carry out a didactic unit...
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FEB 05 / 2020

Festejando a Santa Águeda

En la víspera de se fiesta, siguiendo la tradición, por la cuál las cuadrillas salen a la calle en los pueblos a cantar a Santa Águeda ataviados con trajes regionales y formando pequeños coros, el colegio se unió a la celebración.  Más fotos en Facebook e Instagram  Las etapas educativas de Infantil y Primaria habían preparado durante el...
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JAN 30 / 2020

Emotions: training to improve

En la línea de ir de la mano familias y educadores del colegio y sabiendo que nuestra misión es ayudar a las familias a educar a sus hijos, este trimestre tendrán lugar en el pabellón Central unas sesiones sobre educación emocional dirigidas a familias y docentes.  Más fotos en Facebook  Organizado por la Fundación Uptoyou y patrocinado por...
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