Why English from the Nursery Classroom? The best way for children to internalise a language is by exposing them to it more or less constantly from a very early age, as this is the time when the brain is in the process of developing cognitive skills. At Gaztelueta we start from the...
Aritz Sevilla Samaniego is a Primary Education teacher specialising in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Mentor of the Basque Government's Digitalisation Plan. Since his arrival at Gaztelueta, he has been teaching Gizarte, Euskera and Physical Education in Primary Education. His training in digital tools, as a Mentor in Digitalisation of the Basque Government, allows him to...
The care and safety of our children are fundamental priorities for any parent. Aware of this reality, Gaztelueta has once again this year offered valuable first aid training for the school's families and all those interested in the subject. This initiative, which was carried out in two sessions, sought to provide...
Last Saturday the Gaztelueta Sports Club organised an intense Children's Handball Day (2011-2012) at the school's facilities, in which more than 40 male and female teams from Bizkaia, Alava and Gipuzkoa took part. The event kicked off early in the morning with the participation of all the teams and throughout the day the...
Ignacio Artola (prom.41) holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Navarra, a period he remembers with great affection. He then trained and specialised in finance, a sector in which he has spent his entire professional career. His first jobs were in the field of markets at Banco Urquijo, at BBVA and at the Banco de...
Last Sunday, Gaztelueta families had the opportunity to participate in the first excursion of a new programme of outings that will take place throughout the school year on the last Sunday of each month. The destination chosen for this first meeting was San Pedro de Atxarre, a privileged spot in the heart of the...