

JUN 19 / 2024

To serve, to serve

Secondary education is a crucial stage in the education of our students, not only in academic terms, but also in the development of values and social skills. Enhancing the spirit of service in secondary school pupils by involving them in ordinary tasks within the school is an educational strategy that offers multiple benefits....

Secondary education is a crucial stage in the formation of our students, not only in academic terms, but also in the development of values and social skills. Enhancing the spirit of service The practice of engaging secondary school pupils through their participation in regular tasks within the school is an educational strategy that offers multiple benefits. Not only does this practice have an obvious impact on the functioning of the school, but above all, it also has a positive impact on the school itself. fosters in our students essential values such as responsibility, empathy and cooperation.

gaztelueta servicio

Involving our students in ordinary day-to-day events or tasks at Gaztelueta, such as the end of year party in the Infants' class or the children's canteen, telling stories in their classrooms, collaborating in maintenance tasks by helping the school staff responsible for these tasks or in extraodinary events such as the uniform market that takes place these days, allows them to develop the responsibility of assuming tasks and commitments that have a direct impact on their educational community.

In addition, these activities promote empathy and solidarity. Our students have the opportunity to understand and appreciate the effort involved in keeping the school in good condition, which makes them aware of the work of others. This understanding fosters an attitude of respect and appreciation for our school and for the people who contribute to the smooth running of Gaztelueta on a daily basis.

The spirit of service also strengthens students' ability to work in teams. Many ordinary tasks require collaboration among peers, which facilitates bonding and the development of communication and cooperation skills. Students learn to divide tasks, to plan together and to resolve conflicts constructively, skills that are essential in both academic and professional life.

Participation in such activities can also have a positive impact on academic performance. By developing a sense of belonging and commitment to their school, students tend to show increased motivation and a positive attitude towards learning. The spirit of service helps them understand that their education is not only a personal benefit, but can also contribute to the well-being of their community. Being an active part of the school community and seeing the tangible results of their efforts gives them a sense of achievement and usefulness. This sense of self-efficacy is crucial for the development of confident young people who are prepared to face future challenges.

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Enhancing the spirit of service in secondary school pupils through their participation in ordinary school tasks is a valuable educational strategy. This practice not only improves the school environment, but also contributes significantly to the overall development of young people. By fostering values such as responsibility, empathy and cooperation, and by providing practical skills and a solid work ethic, Gaztelueta is committed to preparing its students to be committed and proactive citizens who find service to others a way of life.

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