

MAY 13 / 2021

We want a sustainable Leioa

This morning a meeting on sustainability within the framework of Agenda 2030 was held at the Artaza Palace in Leioa, in which the protagonists were the children. Two students from 6th grade of Primary School attended the event together with other students from other schools in the municipality such as Irlandesas, Mercedarias, San Bartolomé, Betiko or...

This morning, a meeting was held at the Artaza Palace in Leioa on sustainability within the framework of Agenda 2030 in which the protagonists have been children.

Two pupils from the 6th grade of Primary School came together with other pupils from other schools in the municipality such as Irlandesas, Mercedarias, San Bartolomé, Betiko and Artatza, in order to explain their proposals for improving the existing parks in Leioa, such as the Artaza and Pinosolo parks.

Gaztelueta sostenible

Some of the proposals include creating bicycle lanes within these areas, building more recreational areas with swings, creating public service areas for the users of these parks or improving and modernising the street lighting.

The Mayor of LeioaIban Rodríguez Echevarria, has listened to the different measures and has taken the opportunity to complete the students' presentations with comments on the projects they wish to develop in these green areas of the municipality.

This meeting is the culmination of the acts and events of this academic yearThe Leioa Town Council's proposal was to work together to think about how to improve the town's green areas.

In this way, the children of Bizkaia are involved in the commitment to sustainable development, the promotion of the territorial dimension and its adaptation to the local scale, one of the distinguishing features of what is known as the "Bizkaia Initiative". Agenda 2030which sets and works towards medium-term sustainable development goals. In the school we work to raise awareness among students about the importance of and respect for the environment.  It is enriching to join proposals and build together with sustainable objectives to improve the municipality where we live in the medium and long term.

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