

JUN 16 / 2023

Stamp #AlumniGaztelueta: Iñigo Cortés

Iñigo Cortés (Prom. 46) is a member of a large family and a basketball fan, a sport he played during his years at Gaztelueta. He spent his university years in Pamplona and later began his professional life in the world of education in San Sebastian. He then moved to Rome and studied theology in the city....

Iñigo Cortés (Prom. 46) is a member of a large family and a basketball fan, a sport he played during his years at Gaztelueta. He spent his university years in Pamplona and later began his professional life in the world of education in San Sebastian. He then moved to Rome and studied Theology at the eternal city.

After finishing his studies in Rome, Croatia was his next destination, where he has been assisting in the apostolic work of the Opus Dei A few years later he returned to Rome, where he presented his doctoral thesis and where he was ordained a priest just a few weeks ago.

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Today, Friday 16 June, he celebrates his first Mass in Bilbao, his homeland, surrounded by family and friends.
A life dedicated to the service of others, congratulations Iñigo!

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