

JAN 25 / 2019

Ateleus sessions in Primary and Secondary Schools

At Gaztelueta we want the education our pupils receive to be not only academic, but also to have some added complements. Some of these are (solidarity, knowing how to be in the dining room, artistic skills, affectivity, etc.) that result in a solid global education that is both global and personalised. Gonzalo Robador and Gabriela Míchel, members of Ateleus (Asociación de Telespectadores de...

At Gaztelueta we want the training our students receive to be not only academic, but also to have some added complements.

Some are those of (solidarity, dining room skills, artistic skillsaffectivity, etc.) that result in a solid education that is both global and personalised. 

Gonzalo Robador and Gabriela Míchelmembers of Ateleus (Basque Association of Viewers and Consumers of Audiovisual Media), have given educational sessions to our students.

Robador, a former pupil and expert in video games, talked to the 4th Year Primary pupils about this reality and wanted to make them think and ask themselves some questions: Do you play alone or with company? Are certain contents appropriate for your age? Why should they be? In her session, Gabriela Míchel talked to the 1st ESO students about the internet and Google, how the cloud and the traffic of private data, the currency of technological giants, actually works, and she made them think about the use of mobile phones today, explaining and reasoning with them how to use them properly.

Both sessions were enjoyable and topical and we would like to express our thanks to both presenters and to Ateleus for their cooperation. 

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