Secondary school pupils participated this morning in a radio workshop at school with professionals from the local radio station Vinilo FMwhere they have put into practice skills public speaking in a motivating and attractive environment.
Julen Ugalde, the station's manager, who has been on the air for more than 30 years, guided the students through the history of this young and independent (but not small) music and sports station, explaining its objectives and the day-to-day work of its employees, as well as pointing out the basic techniques of voice-over, which they then put into practice by taking turns introducing different Rock'n Roll songs.
In an effort to offer a global educationThis workshop is not new, as several high school students have been collaborating with Vinilo FM every Thursday afternoon for the last two years, with their Improper Alignment' programmewhich reviews local, national and international football news from a fresh and youthful perspective. In addition, in December, 3rd grade students recorded their original Christmas carol at the station.